keeping your floors kid and pet friendly

You may not often think about how the hygiene of your floors could affect your own health. As an adult, the risk of germs making their way from the ground into your body are reasonably slim. It’s a different story for young kids and pets though; they live closer to the ground and are likely to be contacting the floor with their hands (or even mouths). Here are some tips for keeping your floors safe for your loved ones.

Care for Your Floors

Vacuuming, mopping, sweeping, dusting… these are not the most exciting chores, that’s for sure! However, it’s vital that you regularly clean and maintain your floors, especially if you have children and animals. For extra peace of mind, it could also be worth hiring professional cleaners occasionally – even if it’s just once every six months.

Replace Your Floors When Necessary

If your floors are permanently stained or very old, they could be more inviting to germs. Also, some surface types, including tiles and timber floors, tend to transfer bacteria more easily, while other flooring options like carpet typically transfer less bacteria. If you’re concerned that your floor’s age, condition or type could be putting your family at risk, it could be worthwhile to replace it. Feel free to contact us if you’d like some advice.

Shoes Off

It’s impossible to control what your shoes might come into contact with during your day-to-day activities outside the home. While you have a cat, dog or toddler in the house, you might want to implement a shoes-at-the-front-door policy to minimise the number of germs that get walked into your home.

There’s rarely any need to take drastic action when it comes to keeping your floors kid and pet friendly; these are just a couple of simple, no-hassle ideas you could try if you have any worries.