common causes of floor damage

There are many ways your home’s floors can get damaged. Thankfully, most of the possibilities are quite rare. In this blog post, we’ll look at 3 of the common causes of floor damage – things we think you should be aware of.

  1. Mould

In humid places like Queensland, mould is always ready and waiting to grow and cause problems. Both carpet and tiles are vulnerable, and bathrooms tend to be the most at-risk area of a home. As treating a serious mould problem can be tough (and costly), it’s best to be proactive in preventing it from occurring in the first place. The way to do so is by controlling moisture in your home: dry any wet areas straight away, ensure your home is well ventilated, and invest in moisture absorption products for problematic spaces.

  1. Dogs’ Claws

Dog owners with hardwood floors, pay attention! Scratch marks from your pooch’s paws can quickly become an unsightly issue. The first step to preventing this is to keep your floors as clean as possible so your dog doesn’t tread any particles or dirt into the floor. For the nails themselves, you can either keep your pet well-trimmed or invest in some soft paw coverings. Of course, buying a decorative rug could also be a quick and easy way to protect a particular area.

  1. Furniture

Whether you’re building or simply rearranging furniture, heavy items can make an unfortunate mark on hard surfaces. Scratches, gouges, dents and holes… the damage from mishandled furniture can come in many forms. When constructing a new item, you should do so on a carpeted floor if possible. For items that need to be moved around regularly, such as chairs and tables, consider applying some protector pads on their feet.

If it’s too late for your floors, don’t despair. Replacing the floor in a room isn’t as stressful as you might think – and the team at Stript Flooring makes the first step easy!